When choosing a date night movie, cult movies are usually not the first place you go. You have prepared a good romantic comedy for yourself, or you can really enrich the whole class with a beautiful foreign film. But do you end up in danger when you want to shoot a cult movie with date night? That is just the secret of disaster.
Nevertheless, for all the inherent negativity of cult films, sometimes obtaining cult status may be the best thing ever. Take European rock bands as an example. They composed a song called "Final Countdown" in the mid-80s. Nearly forty years later, this song is still part of the New Year's Eve celebrations, which means that this song can ensure that they will always be performed somewhere on earth. In a sense, the cult status essentially makes certain things impossible to survive, and for the weirdest cult movies, it means that there is still life in a theater somewhere.
But what about date night? In fact, it is very suitable in the end. There is enough ambition to make people feel like a comedy, enough heaviness to make people feel like a serious movie, and enough horror elements to make it a horror movie. For couples who have difficulty choosing a movie on a date night, a fanatic movie may be just a ticket.
Here are five weird cult movies that should be on the watch list for date night:
Lost Boys - full of iconic 80s actors whose stories are based on family turmoil, comics and the teenage vampire gang. This movie is a crazy journey. This is actually a very good movie. Who doesn't like to think of Dianne Wiest as a lovely mother?
Rocky Horror Picture Show - More than forty years later, people still dress up the theater in full costumes, watching and singing every frame of this movie. Think of it as a very distorted view of the story about creation you remember from Sunday school. Very distorted. You must watch it at least once.
They Live - put on some mysterious shadows, instead of indulging in your own calmness, you will have the opportunity to see the real world. As far as today’s world is concerned, the film is now more meaningful than ever with the information about the role of the media and how it disseminates to the public. In addition, if you want to discover a conspiracy that plagues our planet and enslaves humanity, it will be the late "Rodi" Roddy Piper. This movie owns.
Night of the Living Dead - Yes, this is a horror movie, but the real monsters are not undead. Take a bold look at the dark side of society and one of the truly shocking films of the 20th century. It was released in the late 1960s, making you wonder how many things have not changed.
Tucker and Dale vs Evil - Two sweet country folks just wanted to find some downtime in their repairman's upper-floor holiday house. They were mistaken by some college students as murdering social criminals. They soon couldn't judge the book by its cover. Horror themes are easy to appear, and this is undoubtedly one of the best comedies in the past decade.
In many respects, cult movies are all about watching movies. They are entertaining, thought-provoking and artistic. Since many fans of these movies refuse to let them die, they can lead very productive lives for future generations.
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