Are movies Created to Condition people?

If they want to relax, they can decide to go to a movie or watch a movie at home. If they have some free time, this may also be something they will do, which is considered a good way to kill time.

Are movies Created to Condition people?


Or they may want to find out what happened in the past. Maybe they are studying history and need to find out what happened over a period of time.

Watching a movie is much easier than doing endless research, and it can make the work more fulfilling. However, people will only be able to take this path if they have produced a movie that covers what they are looking for.

The Downside

However, even if they do find a movie that covers what they have learned, it does not mean that it will make their lives easier. On the one hand, the movie may not reflect what actually happened, which may mean that the main purpose of the movie is to entertain people.

Therefore, if you want to refer to what they saw in the movie, it may have a negative impact on them. It may even have to be done again, which means that this method will not save them time after all.


This is something that many people are aware of, so when they watch a movie about the past, they don't expect to take history lessons. They may be happy to watch and enjoy movies.

For example, it's as if someone is watching a comedy, so why they want to watch a comedy is also very clear. After a long day, when you relax, there is no denying how beneficial the film is.

A New Reality

No matter what happens in their lives, they may eventually be transported to another world. Then their bodies will become one, but the mind there may eventually become completely different.

People can learn about different life experiences without actually changing their lives. In this way, people can see life through the eyes of others, and there is no reason to put their lives in danger or leave their homes.


When this happens from time to time, it can be said that it is unlikely to have a negative impact on their lives. There are many other things people can relax, and ultimately do more harm than good.

However, if you spend most of your life watching a movie, this will not be the case. This will cause them to ignore important areas in their lives. Then, it is vital for them to step back and see what they are trying to avoid.

A Balanced Diet

For example, if a person likes to eat chocolate, they are unlikely to eat it all the time. They most likely had it then. This is a wise choice.

Similarly, when people have time to watch movies, rather than when they have time to watch movies, they will become another part of life. The rest of their lives will not ultimately be harmed.


Although one can believe that movies are made purely for entertainment purposes, their prospects may be different. They can believe that some movies are specially produced to influence people's views on life.

When it comes to supporting this, they can talk about movies about different wars. For example, this can be seen as a way to show one country's superiority to another country and conceal the reason for its establishment.

It's clear

If you want to raise this issue with ordinary people, they may be consistent with what they say. One reason is that this may be contrary to what they teach in school, or it may be because they do not believe what they teach in school.

However, when it comes to movies that have nothing to do with history, one can usually believe that they are just being entertained. If you want to watch comedy or comic movies, you can say that this is expected.


As a result, it is much easier to condition people with this type of film. Their guards may eventually be depressed, and what is exposed will eventually enter their minds directly and affect how they view life.

These films will not affect people's views on history, but they can be used to define their views of the government or of the opposite sex. What they think is acceptable can also be determined by the content they watch, including.

Part of Them

After they adapt to the movies they watch, they can finally believe things without spending time on their own research. However, since many people will be affected in the same way, usually they will be surrounded by the same people.

Then, it doesn't matter whether they are watching the news or watching a movie, because it may have the same effect on them. Or, you can believe that the people behind the scenes won't influence them because they don't watch the news, but it doesn't matter.


In the final analysis, although movies are profitable, this is not the only reason why movies are created. Due to the large number of people watching, they have incredible power to shape people's thoughts.

This is not to say that they should no longer be looked at; it emphasizes that movies often have more than eyeballs. With this understanding, people can more easily protect their thoughts.

Oliver JR Cooper is a prolific writer, writer and coach from the UK. His insightful comments and analysis cover all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love and inner consciousness. Oliver has over a thousand in-depth articles emphasizing human psychology and behavior, and provides him with reasonable advice. His current projects include "Dialogue with the Heart" and "Easy Communication".
