It may be difficult to figure out what makes a cult film a cult. For everyone who likes a cult film, there is another person who opposes the status of the film. The beauty of these popular and unpopular movies may lie in the vague definition. No matter what caused the film to fall into the lack of consensus among the titles of cult films, these films do have some characteristics.
1. The film has a large following.
First, and perhaps most importantly, cult films have a large following. Moreover, the followers of such films must be more than just a huge fan base: the followers must be a bit fanatical. Usually, a movie will have a film festival centered on the entire movie. A large number of fans will dress up as characters in the movie and devote most of their time to the movie. The following content indicates that many fans will watch movies repeatedly with other fans. Some movie theaters use movie themes as advertisements to promote special screenings of movies. It is known that some movie theaters provide food and drinks related to movies. In short, these popular movies have a loyal fan base and a strange loyalty to the movie itself.
2. The film breaks cultural taboos.
At the time of release, cult
films usually shock and anger ordinary people. Addressing politically incorrect themes and/or incorporating shocking themes is the appeal of these enthusiastically accepted works. Many of these
films may fall into the category of "aggressive art". Basically, these "artworks" will cause the audience to question accepted morals and values. Many such films contain certain vibration elements and are produced purely for vibration value.
3. The film has quotable lines.
Fans like to participate in watching cult
movies by quoting or quoting the movie together in different social environments. A great classic novel will contain many unstable, primitive and comic single lines. Fans often cite this movie to each other, and based on the other's knowledge and dedication, based on the other's ability to respond quickly to other content.
4. The film appeals to a subculture.
This is a bit worth discussing, but many followers of this type of film claim that these classics must subvert mainstream tastes. In other words, ordinary people should not immediately discover favorite or popular cult classics when they are released. Instead, for various reasons, a small number of people will look back to the movie.
5. The film has initially flopped if released by a major studio.
Similarly, popular
movies released by mainstream studios usually do not qualify as "classic movies." If the film is released by a larger, well-known film studio, the film must first perform poorly at the box office before it can be considered as a cannon for cult films. Another interesting aspect includes the serious nature of the film. If the purpose of releasing a movie is to become a classic movie, then it is not eligible. It is necessary to make a real movie with a fanatical following, because some people see it as a real movie from the beginning.
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